Sunday, June 28, 2009

Be Obedient to the Will of God

This morning during worship service at THE CHAPEL (Hollands Chapel A.M.E Zion Church), I was a witness and participant in an experience outside of the normal Sunday morning. The Holy Ghost spirit was so high in the church that the Pastor did not preach a sermon. The service was turned over to will and leading of the Holy Spirit, and we were obedient to his calling. During this period of time, the different church-goers mentioned in my earlier post were easily discerned due to their actions or lack thereof. Those in the congregation who were touched and in tune with the Holy Spirit were taken to a new level of praise and thanks giving to God for his presence with us. The Pastor received a revelation after being laid out by the Holy Spirit that God was building walls of "Fire" around certain worshipers in the congregation in order to purge the unclean people and spirits around them, and to keep them set apart from any others that may try to attack them. The service concluded with Pastor stirring up the "Fire" within these members of the congregation by laying hands on us. This took the worshipping to another level. Time seemed to stop as I was praising God, and simply saying, "Thank you Lord!!!".
The Pastor gave his benediction, in order to allow others to leave. This did not cut short the praise and worship according to the move of God which was occurring in the church. All this served to do was remove those who were not in tune with the Holy Spirit. Some people stayed just to watch, and others did their normal talking to friends within the Sanctuary. After a couple of minutes, the Pastor had the ushers close the doors, in order to respect the sanctity and power of the continued worship which was occurring. This removed about 85% of the people who were in the congregation during the earlier portion of the service. This was the real service for the morning devoid of the on-lookers, backbiters, clockwatchers, texters, flirters, and imposters.
What I was able to take away from this morning was simply this:
God just wants you to say "Yes" to His will and "Yes" to His way. When you come into the House of the Lord, even more than while outside of those doors, YOU MUST SUBMIT AND SURRENDER ALL TO THE WILL OF THE HOLY SPIRIT!!!!! Anything less is not considered being faithful to God.

My family and I also attended an Anniversary service at a local church, where Pastor Cox was scheduled to preach the sermon. The scriptural text for the sermon came from I Timothy 5:17-18 ::
17 Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in the word and doctrine. 18 For the Scripture says, “You shall not muzzle an ox while it treads out the grain,” and, “The laborer is worthy of his wages.”

The focus of the Pastor's message was concerning the tough road for Pastors, and how we as devoted members or sheep of the shepherd must honor our shepherd. If we love our Pastor who is standing in the gap for our salvation and who has to answer for everyone he is given charge over, then we must show him and care for him as if we do. Taking the time to do something good for the Pastor doesn't mean that you make a big show of what you do, it simply means that you "do" something.

Today's lesson learned was simply this:

Worship the Lord at all times regardless of what others around you might or might not be doing, and give thanks for those who are sent by God to war on your behalf.

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